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The Benefits of Online School

Despite the many challenges that teachers and students are facing as they adjust to online school during the pandemic, there are a number of benefits worth highlighting.

Recently, I posted an essay titled "Online School Fatigue" in which I discussed the various reasons why students are struggling with online classes right now. My initial essay was not to complain or give online classes a bad name - I simply wanted to explain the reasons why some students are struggling right now so that others may understand their situation better. While all of those reasons are still true, I would now like to point out some of the pros of online learning so that we can all appreciate the good aspects of this.

First off, one of the biggest benefits of online learning is the flexibility it gives the students. Some online classes are what my school calls asynchronous - meaning the classes are pre-recorded and the student does not have to attend a live lecture or watch the class at a certain time. While this can be a challenge for some in terms of self-scheduling, having online classes that are not at set times can be helpful to some people in a number of ways.

For starters, it can allow students to have more flexible work hours. I know many students who work regularly while taking classes typically have to work on the weekends or in the evenings. With online classes, they could have more flexible availability, which might help them get shifts they'd otherwise be unable to work. If classes had not been online this year, I would not have been able to have my current job at all. I take care of my neighbour's toddler a few days a week and if my classes had been in person, I would not have had the opportunity to take care of such an adorable and fun kid.

Asynchronous classes can also allow students to work on their classes at the time of day when they are most productive. Personally, I am not productive in the morning; I am a slow riser and tend not to focus well first thing in the morning. Having the option to do my school work in the late morning, afternoon, and even in the evening has definitely been a treat.

A final benefit to asynchronous classes is the fact that some students might be able to take courses they'd otherwise be unable to fit into their schedule. With certain courses changing to an asynchronous format, students are able to sign up for courses that would otherwise be at the same time. This could be quite beneficial to those who are trying to fit in certain required or preferred courses into their schedule. This is of course not the case for every school, nor even every department, but it has definitely been a benefit for some.

Another aspect of online learning that I have found to be quite helpful is the fact that I can do my school work in bed or on the couch. Yes, I realize that this makes me sound lazy but let me explain: for the past five years or so I have had chronic back pain. Some days are better than others, but the pain is always there. Currently, on days when my pain is really bad, I can easily put a heating pad on it, take my laptop down to the couch, and watch my lectures. I can comfortably do my school work while taking care of my physical health. Being able to be comfortable and in as little pain as possible while still being able to work on my studies is truly a blessing.

A final benefit to having the option to do online schooling during this time is of course the safety of it all. I am very fortunate that I can pursue my education right now and stay safe at home while doing it. While it has been and continues to be a challenge for everyone - students and professors alike - we are all very lucky to be able to work from home and not put ourselves and others at risk of catching or spreading Covid-19.

I do prefer in-person classes, but I am still grateful for everyone who's been working hard at the university to ensure that the classes are as equal to in-person classes as possible. I am also incredibly grateful to be safe and healthy and be able to work on my studies right now, whatever the format may be. I hope that in the future, more schools will offer online alternatives to classes so that those who truly do benefit from and prefer online learning may have that option.

As always, stay safe and be kind.

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Mary-Elizabeth Grace Meek
Mary-Elizabeth Grace Meek
Apr 11, 2021

I liked what you said. both as a teacher and a personal friend. I have had back problems for s many years so I know what it is like. My students would carry my books and even write on the board for me so I could come to work on bad days if possible. Keep up the good work and the wonderful posts.

Jennifer O
Jennifer O
Apr 12, 2021
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Thank you :) xo

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